Wellcome, This is Yufuin Tango Festival 2013 Website.

Enjyoy TANGO, MILONGA, Hotspring…Join us & Aren't you also happy-go-lucky?!
   ■November 2 (Sat.)to 4 (Mon.&public holiday) ,2013
   ■Guest Teachers: Ryo & Hazuki, Tanada Akiyoshi & Noriko

   ■Milonga: 2 (Sat.) & 3 (Sun.) -- evening
   ■Place: Kawakami 3366-4, Yufuin-chou, Yufu-shi, Oita, Kyusyu, Japan
   ■Flyer is Here.

The Oita Yufu Kawakami, Yufuin-cho Nippon Bunri University Yufuin training institute 

* For details, It will be uploaded, soon.. 
* You can mail us with "subject" from the left link.  

Yufuin-Onsen Tourism Association

Resaerve; send us an application form by e-mail or Fax.
The application form will be uploaded soon.
You can enjoy the great sightseeing spot Yufuin.